
Unit periodic trends atomic size trend worksheet 2 answers
Unit periodic trends atomic size trend worksheet 2 answers

unit periodic trends atomic size trend worksheet 2 answers

Compare the radius of the neutral atom to that of the ion. Extend your thinking : The Gizmo enables you to examine ions, or atoms that have gained or lost electrons. What is the radius of lithium? 167 2018 11. Connect the right side of the ruler to the outermost electron, or valence electron. On the right side of the Gizmo, select Li. A picometer is one trillionth of a meter. What is the radius of hydrogen? 53 Notice that the radius is measured in picometers (pm).

unit periodic trends atomic size trend worksheet 2 answers

To measure the radius, drag one end of the ruler to the proton in the nucleus and the other end to the electron. To begin, check that H (hydrogen) is selected in Group 1 on the left. The atomic radius is a measure of the size of the electron cloud, or the region where electrons can be found. In the Periodic Trends Gizmo, you will explore this relationship and how it affects the properties of different elements. Gizmo Warm-up Just as the thickness of a book changes how strongly a magnet attracts a paper clip, the size of an atom determines how strongly the nucleus attracts electrons. This increased distance lessens the attractive force, not only causing the magnet to hold the paper clips more loosely but also decreasing the ability of the magnet to attract additional items 3. aswell as he thicker the book, the greater the distance between the magnet and the paper clip. Which magnet would be most likely to attract additional paper clips? B What is the relationship between the thickness of the book and the ability of the magnet to hold on to and attract paper clips? Electronegativy. Which paper clip would be harder to remove? B 2. On the image at right, the two magnets are the same.

Download period trends gizmo and more Chemistry Assignments in PDF only on Docsity!2018 bName: Bisman Date: Student Exploration: Periodic Trends Vocabulary: atomic radius, electron affinity, electron cloud, energy level, group, ion, ionization energy, metal, nonmetal, nucleus, period, periodic trends, picometer, valence electron Prior Knowledge Questions (Do these BEFORE using the Gizmo.) 1.

Unit periodic trends atomic size trend worksheet 2 answers